The Sufferfest sent out a mass email informing everyone that the Wahoo ANT+ key isn’t compatible with the latest iOS 11.2.1. This is partially correct. After you upgrade, and plugin your Wahoo ANT+ key, you will get a popup message telling you the device isn’t compatible.
Wahoo Fitness hasn’t updated their Wahoo ANT+ key since iPhone 4 and don’t seem to have plans to introduce a new one that is actually compatible with the latest iPhones with the lightning adapters.
This issue doesn’t only impact the Sufferfest app, but also any app that takes advantage of the ANT+ key to connect to any ANT+ device. TrainerRoad and Zwift also use this key so you will have the same issue.
If you have the Wahoo Fitness ANT+ key adapter and rely on it to connect ANT+ devices to your iPhone/iPad, then you might be impacted if you upgraded your device to the latest iOS 11.2.1.
Not really, you can still get it to work. All you need to do is unplug the ANT+ key and plug it back in and you won’t see that popup warning again. If that doesn’t fix it for you, try rebooting your iPhone. I was able to connect to my ANT+ powermeter in TrainerRoad and TheSufferFest app on my iPhone without a problem after just unplugging my ANT+ Key and plugging it back in.
My advice is to take advantage of an ANT+ to Bluetooth bridge. It’s a little device that is used to receive data from ANT+ devices such as your indoor bike trainer, power meters, heart rate monitor, footpod, or speed and cadence sensor, and rebroadcast that data in Bluetooth. Two companies make this product: CABLE and 4iiii.